Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Winter In Florida

We've been in Lady Lake for over a month now, and below are pictures that tell what we've been doing.

Lady Lake and The Villages, Florida

The Villages church of Christ in Lady Lake where we worship.  We've reconnected with Buddy and Cindy Johnson who worshiped with us 40 years ago in Memphis.  This small congregation of around 70 have been wonderfully gracious and welcoming to us. Buddy and Cindy immediately invited us to eat lunch with them, come to supper at their home and even helped me celebrate my birthday!  They are "keeper friends" and we hope to cross paths again someday.

A view of the sunset from one of The Villages Town Centers called Sumter Landing.
On Christmas Day, Danny and I went to Sumter Landing to see Saving Mr. Banks at the Old Mill Theater!  See all the golf carts lining the street?  Following the movie, we grilled steaks and enjoyed a intimate dinner at home.

Sumter Landing - like the other town centers in The Villages - have a pavilion where performances, farmer's market and various shows take place for the area residents.
What a treat for us to have Ann Ayers as our guest the day after Christmas. She lived in Springdale and worshiped with us at Robinson Avenue before she retired and moved to Orlando to begin a new career of acting - movies and commercials. It was good to see "Home Folks"!
Izzy, the French Donkey, and the Clydesdale.  They are inseparable and the the Clydesdale didn't like us petting the donkey very much.  

Grand Oaks 
Grand Oaks Museum - a carriage museum and horse farm.
Maggie and Izzy

Soft curly Hair covered this donkey.

Shooting Pool at The Villages

La Hacienda Recreation Center in the Villages - Our new friends who live in The Villages got us guest passes so we could use all the recreation facilities! Wasn't that great!

Danny and I have shot a lot of pool, but we are far from being good.

I chase the balls around and around the table and rarely win a game.

Kennedy Space Center
Here we are at the Kennedy Space Center on the day a rocket was launched.

We took the tour of the center.
The Atlantis was on Display at one of the museums! WOW!  Amazing!

We crawled through a mock space shuttle's work space - pretty tight. Sandra Bullock made sailing through the areas easy, but we found it congested!

We returned to tour the Astronaut Hall of Fame Museum on another day.
Ready to blast off! 

A terrific display in the Hall of Fame Museum was this large suspended sphere that had various photos projected onto it.  Here's the Earth, and other projections showed the other planets and moon.  Quite interesting!

Inspiration Space Shuttle on display at the Astronaut Hall of Fame.

These are spectators along with us waiting for the rocket launch.  We did see it, but the gray clouds blocked the view after only a few seconds.  BUT, we can say we saw a rocket blast off from Earth!

Lake Griffin State Park in Lady Lake

Huge Live Oaks are abundant all over central Florida.

Danny is showing just how big Mammoth Oak is that grows in Lake Griffin State Park.

More Later.....