Thursday, August 22, 2013

Golden Anniversary for Rancie and Billy

I think I mentioned in an earlier post how much I treasure my family.  How true, how true!  This weekend, Danny and I drove to Forest, Mississippi to attend Rancie and Billy's fiftieth wedding anniversary reception!  What a splendid example of love and commitment for all of us!

Again, we were able to spend some quality time with my siblings.  When we are scattered all over the USA - Ohio, Mississippi, Louisiana and us from who knows where - it is truly a treasured time to be able to get together.  I'm proud of all my siblings!  They are all honorable people and have always been so supportive to me and to us after Danny and I married.  Thanks be to God, for their love and support through my 65 years!

Back to the Golden Anniversary Reception  - It was held at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Their two sons and their families were able to be there.  Gene and Amy with Sean and Alex came from California and Glenn & Kim with Max and Ella came from Lubbock, Texas.  Billy's sister and his brother with some of their families were able to attend also.  Lots of local friends came - even Rancie's family doctor.  The decorations were really pretty, and the Anniversary Italian Cream Cakes were fabulous!!

Following the reception, Danny and I along with my siblings and their families who were present went out to eat.  There were three or four other large groups of customers at the restaurant, so we didn't get served for quite a while.... that gave us time to do lots of talking and catching up on the activities in our family's lives.

Billy and Rancie Cummins
Rancie and Billy surrounded by their family: Gene &
Amy and Glenn & Kim;
Alex, Ella, Sean and Sam

Delicious Italian Cream Cakes

Wonderful catered treats

My sister, Louise, served punch

Marilyn, my sister by marriage served the cake

Brother Al or Bubba with Chuck and Eleanor and Rancie

Al with Glenn and Kim

Glenn and Max

Guests enjoying the refreshments

Billy and Rancie talking with guests
My brother, Jimmie & Janice, my sister by marriage with Glenn & Kim

Rancie's siblings - Al, Margaret/Maggie, Rancie, Louise and Jimmie

Billy's siblings - Marilyn and Jimmy
Gene helping clean up after the reception ended

Resting after the reception!

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